Safe and Healthy Kids
We are working to ensure all children have the opportunity to thrive in a community that fosters safety, resiliency, creativity, and wellness. Efforts include:
Implementation of evidence-based wellness policies and practices in Douglas County schools, before/after-school programs, and child care
Support school district (Lawrence, Eudora, Baldwin City, Perry-Lecompton) efforts to reduce application barriers and increase the number of families that complete the free and reduced meals application
Organize and promote FREE Car Seat Checks
Coordinate policy, system and environmental changes to implement research-based safe sleep recommendations across community organizations
Educate healthcare professionals to use sleep-related suffocation language to clarify for parents that in most sleep-related deaths, children do not die from unexplained reasons but due to positional asphyxia and other forms of suffocation/strangulation
Form a Douglas County Breastfeeding Coalition to encourage and support the benefits of human milk consumption, including as a protective factor against sudden unexpected infant deaths.
Organize 10 crib clinics per year with pre/post evaluation